One good thing from all of this -- I got a great picture of Tashi's distinctive V marking on her belly. I didn't notice it when I first got her because she had been neutered the previous week, and the vet shaved her belly as a part of the surgery. So at the time I thought that her marking was the white spot on her chest. Only recently has her belly hair grown back, revealing her distinctive V marking. What does the V stand for? Well, if she could speak, then we'd know! For the time being, it can be whatever I want it to be. With my imagination, I'm sure to think of something!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Why cats need to learn English . . . or some other people language
Tashi has this insane habit of insisting that I wake up around 5 AM to feed her. She is very mannered; she doesn't climb all over me and poke at me to wake me up. She waits for me to wake up, but then once I am awake, she is relentless in making sure that I know that she is starving to the point of death. Of course, those of you who know me well know that it takes a while for me to leave the land of dreams and return to the land of the woken. So I'm not completely here as I meander to the kitchen to feed the cat, but it takes her no time to gulp down all her food. It makes me wonder if she even chews it that much. This is the usual procedure.
What wasn't usual was what I saw the other day. I had just put away the cat food after feeding Tashi when out of the corner of my eye I saw it. My cat had made mince meat out of my paper towels! I thought to myself, Guess I need to get a scratching post for this cat.
I was naive to think that was all this cat had done. When I got back to my bedroom I saw that the cat had destroyed the blinds! The close-up shot shows better what the cat had done. She was obviously getting up into the window while the blinds were down, and her body moving in between the blinds bent them out of shape so much that they snapped off. She didn't do this all at once; I had seen earlier
where she had bent some of theblinds back, but they had never fractured. Well, that has obviously changed. And it will take a while before this gets fixed. Why? Because things like this are honeydews, and I have no honey to get me to do them! Women offer refinement to men -- just one of many reasons why it is not good for man to be alone. But what more had this cat done? And where was she?
Ah, there's the little stinker! Guess all that destruction just wore her out. Look at her -- she's so cute, especially when she is sleeping! So naturally it is easy to forgive her whenever I see her in all her cuteness. And I went out and got a scratching post for her, which of course she doesn't use. And I'll fix the blinds. If only Tashi could speak English or Spanish or even Chinese, we could avoid all of this mishmash! I know what she would say, though. Most of the time she would say something like "Feed me" or "More, please." That cat has food on the brain!
One good thing from all of this -- I got a great picture of Tashi's distinctive V marking on her belly. I didn't notice it when I first got her because she had been neutered the previous week, and the vet shaved her belly as a part of the surgery. So at the time I thought that her marking was the white spot on her chest. Only recently has her belly hair grown back, revealing her distinctive V marking. What does the V stand for? Well, if she could speak, then we'd know! For the time being, it can be whatever I want it to be. With my imagination, I'm sure to think of something!
One good thing from all of this -- I got a great picture of Tashi's distinctive V marking on her belly. I didn't notice it when I first got her because she had been neutered the previous week, and the vet shaved her belly as a part of the surgery. So at the time I thought that her marking was the white spot on her chest. Only recently has her belly hair grown back, revealing her distinctive V marking. What does the V stand for? Well, if she could speak, then we'd know! For the time being, it can be whatever I want it to be. With my imagination, I'm sure to think of something!
Holy crap, is that old chair the old recliner I had my freshman year of college? Sure looks like it. you see why I'm a dog person? Dog's have MUCH higher social intelligence than cats, makes them much easier to live with.
Yes, the chair you see is one and the same. And with the direction the economy is taking these days having that retro 70s look seems oddly appropriate!
Enough with the "higher intelligence" of dogs -- my sister's dog eats her own poo and brings rocks inside the house. Intelligent? My cat NEVER does that! And the way she plays with her toy balls, she's practically a pro soccer player. She kicks, blocks, the whole deal. I've never seen a dog do that.
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