Of course I believe in being a good steward of the planet. I just have a hard time accepting what doesn't make sense to me. So let me get this straight -- instead of using my car to do what I need to do, I should do what? Bike with the bike I don't own? Take the train that doesn't exist? Oh, I'm sorry, I'm supposed to do the Bob Marley thing -- "my feet is my only carriage." If I were feeling well, I might consider it. The fresh air and exercise could do me some good. But I am not walking to work; I live to far away to spend the time it would take to walk. And since I didn't go to work today due to a head cold (which for some strange reason now always makes me think about swine flu, which I don't have), I am certainly not going to get to the store to get medical supplies and foodstuffs in any other way but my car!
I have trouble seeing the modern environmental movement as anything but a scam. If the science is so legit, then why not have a public debate and end the controversy? Why not help everyone to see the reasoning behind the argument? Because the real reasoning behind the argument is simply a power grab on an international scale. That's why anyone who disagrees with the "scientists" on global warming gets rejected and harrassed. What I have seen so far regarding "evidence" leaves me with more questions than answers; I see too many things that don't make sense to me, that just don't jive with my understanding of scientific laws and statistical principles. And apparently some of the questions I have shouldn't be asked. Without any real substance to the argument, rhetorically the only recourse left is name-calling, hence the introduction of "global warming deniers" on par with holocaust deniers. Those who question the "science" of the cause are treated as apostate heretics in much the same way that heretics were treated in Western Europe during medieval times. Science has become the new religion of the secularist world, and its technological priesthood are not to be questioned or challenged. This combined with the diametrical opposition of the actions of leading global warming proponents to what they preach doesn't exactly create confidence in me regarding their intregity.
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